News About DC

Ignite OKC a Big Success–Dunlap Codding a Sponsor and Co-Host

The second IgniteOKC event held June 10, 2010, at the Lyric Theatre in Oklahoma City, was a big success, with 15 presenters wowing the crowd in 5-minute doses.  Ignite’s premise is 15 slides in 5 minutes—get your point across quickly or else.   Dunlap Codding is one of several sponsors of IgniteOKC and Emily Campbell, an associate at the firm, is a board member and served as a co-host of the event along with Blake Jackson of Chesapeake Energy.  One of Dunlap Codding’s legal interns, Vu Nguyen, delivered a presentation on offline networking—Becoming a Real Life Power User:  How to Network and Connect with People without the Internet.   Nguyen’s, a self-styled computer geek, shared the importance of face-to-face interactions.  

Presenters included:

• Caleb Courtney—Overcoming Little Brother Syndrome:  Why the Upside Down Longhorn Can’t be the Symbol of Our State
• Jill Simpson—What’s Going On in Oklahoma Film
• Michael Champlin—The Power of Visual Communication:  Together, We Can Rid the World of Comic Sans
• Shelley Cadamy—Become a Foster Parent in 10 Easy Steps
• J.C. Mahan—How to Find the Right Hair Stylist
• Mandy Winton—From Soapbox to Ballot Box
• Erin Yarbrough—Go Ahead:  Underestimate Me
• Brad Stone—Put a Little Boom Boom Pow in your 4th of July
• Christy Burcham:  I Made it Myself
• Vu Nguyen—Becoming a Real Life Power User:  How to Network and Connect with People Without the Internet
• Heather Spencer—Remember Where You Come From or How to Trip in Your Pageant Formal and Come Out Smiling
• Dan Lovejoy—Bringing WONDER Back Into Your Life
• David Burkus—Why Your Boss Sucks:  And How to Avoid His Fate
• Amber England—Fat Talk:  How Sweat Became My Catalyst to Find My Passion
• Geoff Eaton—Never Give Up, Never Surrender or My Ongoing Battle Against the Big Black Birds That Sound Like Robots

Sponsors of the event participate because of their shared vision of IgniteOKC’s purpose—to connect people of diverse backgrounds and knowledge through a series of entertaining, rapid-fire presentations.  

Sponsors included:

• Traction Marketing Group
• Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce
• Dunlap Codding
• BC Clark Jewelers
• Oklahoma Gazette
• QuiBids
• Moore Norman Technology Center
• Jason’s Deli
• Salsa Fever
• T Photo
• Lyric Theatre at the Plaza
• Iguana
• Café Evoke Catering

The next scheduled event occurs on September 16 in Tulsa (


DC On Film Row

About DC on Film Row

DC on Film Row is a free event space open to everyone in our community.

We like to say that the space is a “home for creatives and innovators, home builders and the homeless, celebrators and the celebrated” so people understand that we are inclusive and want everyone from throughout our community using our space.

Our goal is to celebrate the incredible diversity of creativity, innovation, and passion within Oklahoma City and to provide a venue—free of charge—to those groups and individuals working to bind us all together and make our home a cooler and better place. No strings attached—no extensive rules to follow. We simply ask that all of our neighbors be honored and that all viewpoints be respected. Our criteria for use is simple: If the event, group, or meeting is something which strengthens our community and brings us all together, the space is available for use.

The space has hosted everything from charitable fundraisers to an underground nightclub party to celebrate Canterbury Choral Society’s 45th anniversary season. We host dinners for the OKC homeless population most Monday evenings where upwards of 250 people are served—we provide the space and soft drinks and a local church provides the food. We’ve hosted university planning retreats and monthly local rock concerts.

Every Wednesday, we open up the courtyard for lunch, invite a local food truck to set up outside our gates, and welcome our downtown neighbors into the space for a bit of socialization.

Our never-ending soda fountain seems to be the biggest hit with some of our neighbors while others spend time playing pool or simply chatting about what is happening on the weekend.

For October we turn the space into a haunted house and invite the neighborhood children to come out and trick-or-treat.

Got an idea for how to use the space? Just ask us – we’re almost certain to say yes!

The Space for Ideas.

Protecting all things creative

Who you are.

Who we are.

What we do.

What’s new.