Dunlap Codding Shareholder Emily Campbell Quoted in Law.Com
Dunlap Codding Shareholder Emily Campbell was quoted in a Law.com article by Megan Spicer, published on July 29, 2016. The article, “Copyright Counsel Eager for Clarity on Fair Use for Viral Videos,” covered the fair use of viral videos, such as the cell phone video from the scene of the recent shooting in Dallas which claimed the lives of five police officers.
As Spicer noted, there are no cases dealing with the monetization of viral videos that depict serious news. Emily Campbell, who heads the trademark and copyright group at Dunlap Codding asked, “Will someone challenge these groups who are monetizing viral videos?” She said that companies such as ViralHog [one of the startup companies that acquire video and capitalize on its popularity] are taking advantage of the uncertainty.