News About DC

Dunlap Codding Associate Elizabeth Isaac Named to the Board of Directors, Oklahoma County Bar Association Young Lawyers Division

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA – September 28, 2017 – Dunlap Codding is pleased to announce that Elizabeth Isaac has been named to the Board of Directors, Oklahoma County Bar Association Young Lawyers Division.  The Oklahoma County Bar Association (OCBA) was organized in 1902 and currently has 2,400 members.  The OCBA is devoted to improving the administration of justice and serving the professional community interest of its members.  The Young Lawyers Division organizes at least two service-oriented fundraising events a year, a Chili Cook-Off in the winter and a “Striking Out Hunger” bowling tournament in the summer. These events have benefitted the Regional Food Bank. 

Elizabeth is an intellectual property lawyer helping innovators, entrepreneurs, artists, and businesses protect their inventions, designs, brands, music, publications, and other creative works to enhance their business options. She assists businesses and individuals in navigating and mitigating the risks associated with the intellectual property rights of others to move the ball forward on their dream projects. She also helps negotiate deals between rights holders and third parties seeking to obtain permission to use protected inventions, brands, designs, and other creative works. 

Dunlap Codding, with offices in Austin, Chicago, Oklahoma City, and Washington, D.C., serves sophisticated international, national, and regional clients.  Established in 1957 as Oklahoma’s original intellectual property firm, Dunlap Codding remains the region’s largest and most versatile IP boutique providing counsel in the areas of patent, trademark, copyright, and entertainment law as well as related litigation and licensing services.  

Dunlap Codding is a member of Primerus, an International Society of Law Firms.


DC On Film Row

About DC on Film Row

DC on Film Row is a free event space open to everyone in our community.

We like to say that the space is a “home for creatives and innovators, home builders and the homeless, celebrators and the celebrated” so people understand that we are inclusive and want everyone from throughout our community using our space.

Our goal is to celebrate the incredible diversity of creativity, innovation, and passion within Oklahoma City and to provide a venue—free of charge—to those groups and individuals working to bind us all together and make our home a cooler and better place. No strings attached—no extensive rules to follow. We simply ask that all of our neighbors be honored and that all viewpoints be respected. Our criteria for use is simple: If the event, group, or meeting is something which strengthens our community and brings us all together, the space is available for use.

The space has hosted everything from charitable fundraisers to an underground nightclub party to celebrate Canterbury Choral Society’s 45th anniversary season. We host dinners for the OKC homeless population most Monday evenings where upwards of 250 people are served—we provide the space and soft drinks and a local church provides the food. We’ve hosted university planning retreats and monthly local rock concerts.

Every Wednesday, we open up the courtyard for lunch, invite a local food truck to set up outside our gates, and welcome our downtown neighbors into the space for a bit of socialization.

Our never-ending soda fountain seems to be the biggest hit with some of our neighbors while others spend time playing pool or simply chatting about what is happening on the weekend.

For October we turn the space into a haunted house and invite the neighborhood children to come out and trick-or-treat.

Got an idea for how to use the space? Just ask us – we’re almost certain to say yes!

The Space for Ideas.

Protecting all things creative

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